Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hi All,
Aaahh, Spring break has arrived. It's really nice knowing I don't have to rush home from work to do homework this week. We're halfway there!
We've added a link titled Social Science Research Network. The title of the article is: "Federal Student Loan Repayment Assistance for Public Interest Lawyers and Other Employees of Governments and Nonprofit Organizations".
Thought it would be worth sharing.

I am learning more and more about The Beatles and it has truly been incredibly interesting! Hard work, nonetheless, but that's ok.
My other class (I'm taking 2) is Photography and Social Movement. Awesome class as well. We've been reviewing some heartwrenching photographs and it certainly takes a toll on one. Getting to know the photographers is equally as important, I think.

Ok, signing off for now. Enjoy break! Ready to sign up for summer/fall classes??


  1. Spring break is another way that college is different for adults. Typically, adults don't head off for a week-long party but catch up on the sleep they've lost while doing homework after a long day's work. Or, they end up working on final papers to get a head start on the second half of the semester.

  2. Ok, I may not party all week long, but alas, I am still a procrastinator. The final papers will be done during the 2nd half and most of it near the end. What can I say?!
